Sunday 6 December 2015

Good Bye

Good- byes are painful,
Good- byes are woeful,
Yet it's bye and it has to be good.

It signifies separation,
Burning your heart in desperation,
You want to hold him to stay,
He's busy planning future to make his way,
Yet it's bye and it has to be good...

Elating experiences are shadowed,
His anguishes and pains are borrowed,
You are shuddered by his loss,
But you can't go complaining your boss!
Yet it's bye and it has to be good...

Those rejoicing moments spent will be missed,
Cheerful,funny expressions will be missed,
Silly names we had for each other,
Special days we celebrated together.
Yet it's bye and it has to be good...

Those never ending fights will be remembered,
Lovely smile after convincing you will be remembered,
Waiting for your single glimpse was once worth,
Your memories are now moving back and forth.
Yet it's bye and it has to be good..

May you be blessed forever,
Attain success in your works ever,
A smile remains intact to your face forever,
And you never miss me like I'll do ever.
Yet it's bye and it has to be good..